H'rir Ironwolfe
one by one,
in the infinite meadows of heaven,
Blossomed the lovely stars,
the forget-me-nots of the angels.
The Basics
Name: H'rir Ironwolfe
Phonetics: Huh-reer Ai-urn wool-ff
Nicknames: Reer, Cat.
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Birthday: 16th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Birthplace: Ala Mhigo
Residence: Ironwolfe Mannor in The Mists
Relationship Status: Married to Klaus Ironwolfe
Appearance: 5'7, shimmering amethyst purple eyes, mahogany hair with canine-esque ears. Lean and athletic build, confident and comfortable posture.
Occupation: Veteran Thaumaturge by day, Bartender by night
Vices: Alcohol, workaholic, sometimes his own pyrotechnics!
Hobbies: Stargazing, Reading, Tinkering and disassembling objects that fascinate or interest him, and of course; inventing new brews and concoctions for consumption.
Personality: At a glance, H'rir is a very cool, calm, and self-assertive Miqo'te who can be a bit rough around the edges. Though those who know him on a more personal level often describe him as kind and curious individual who can be a bit sarcastic and sometimes even snarky at times. Having witnessed the horrors of the Garlean War (and even being their prisoner for a time), H'rir does his best to try and not let his war-torn past pose a grim shadow over his future, and is always trying to build a better future for not only himself, but those around him.
OOC Info
Male, He/They
Server Info: Crystal, Zalera
Time Zone: EST
RP Style:Para/Multi-para poster. I'm flexible but I will try to match my RP partner - what you put in is what I'll try give back.
Prefered Genre: Adventure, Drama, Dark/Mature themed, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life if it is meaningful to character connection. I'm flexible and like a lot of variety.
RP Boundaries: 21+ Preferred for maturity level and NO one under 18. Since H'rir already has a monogenous partner and isn't the cheating type, ERP is off the table though I will make exceptions if someone close were to show interest in joining H'rir and his husband for some bedroom fun. Please do not take that as a challenge, though.
Communication is Key: If something bothers you about a plot, or if you wish to start a storyline let me know. If you want to drop a plot-line I also like to be told. I won't be upset about it or your boundaries. Guessing games isn't something I enjoy.
Modding: I dont freely give out my Mare code unless we're in game buds. So please dont ask if you're just a stranger.